Gibson Mo’botics: Engineering Movember Success in 2023

December 7, 2023
Our People

In October 2023, a young innovative engineer made a game changing suggestion, that the team at Gibson Robotics participate in Movember. There was reluctance at first, from the team members themselves and their facial hair averse partners, with public commitments and important anniversaries coming up. But thanks to some persuasion from that young engineer (“It’s for a great cause”, “It’ll be funny”, “Think of the marketing”) and one Taylor Swift getting together with a Mo Bro in Travis Kelce, on November 1st 2023, Gibson Mo’botics was born.

The week 1 photoshoot came around quicker than expected for some of the team, who hadn’t quite started trying to grow their Mo yet. Luckily Gibson Mo’botics’ early reputation was saved by the half of the team who had made sure to pray to their ebony haired ancestors.  

Week 2 seen the Mos on tour, spreading mental health awareness and second-hand embarrassment across the UK. Over the month, attending conferences, meetings, family parties, and catchups with friends, Gibson Mo’botics made appearances in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Stirling, Ayrshire, Greenock, Pitlochry, Oxford, Birmingham, and London! Proactive startup life at its best.

By week 3, some truly impressive moustaches had come to be, from both Mo Bros and Mo Sisters alike (it is still to be determined how Ellie pulled this off). There were neat and tidy ones, some twirly curly ones, some almost gingers ones, and some inspired by White Goodman ones? A true underdog story.  

Week 4 came around in a flash and before the month was over the team wanted to highlight the inspiring work that is done by Movember using a rhyme, but if we had to resort to that again it would be a crime… But in all seriousness, the Movember charity does an incredible job of bringing awareness to and supporting people dealing with mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. All topics that are not discussed often enough.

After a gruelling but satisfying month, the team had all very successfully pulled off a moustache, increased awareness for great causes, and raised over £300 for the charity! Well done team.

Now with the moustaches and Gibson Mo’botics going into retirement for at least 11 months, we wanted to leave you with Movember’s five things to know and do when it comes to your health:

1. Spend time with people who make you feel good.

2. Talk, more.

3. Know the numbers.

4. Know thy nuts. Simple.

5. Move, more.

Learn more about their advice at